Part 228: Mission 59 - Overpainted Tomorrow / World in Black - Part 2
Chapter 59 Part 2
Turn 3
We still got enemies to take care of, so off we go!

: Maybe the war would end if we just ignored the unpleasant truths...

: But it wouldn't be real! We haven't fought all this way for people not to be able to live how they want!

: I'll fight... for what I believe in!
And there we see the Shinn+Luna Power Hour. 16,500 damage. 

Got to press onward. If it isn't noticable, the large HP numbers the enemies have isn't much of an issue.

The Eternal's still kind of fragile.

Luckily I can deal with that.

Then I get Double Mazin Power!

Things are just getting silly really.

Then the Assault Aquarion's Element system and the Bios-sensor start up.

And Lacus' SEED.

It's time for shenanigans.

Four casts Zeal.

Move them over here...

Which lets Setsuko then MAP these two enemy squads.

This starts Sara's Overskill.

On to this side of the arena.

: Evil ones, you've lurked in the shadows making your plans long enough!

: Judgment is upon you! The entire world will know of your crimes!
HP before I attack.

HP after I attack.

Atena taking down another Mobile Armor triggers Kira's SEED.

Blowing up some more crows activates Gain's Overskill and Athun's SEED.

Then comes the Enemy phase.

Confuse is broken. Really broken.

Pierre gets his final level of ESP.

Gainer activates his Overskill.

And, finalkly, Ziene makes her move at Setsuko.

: (Break the World... my soldiers and my life were taken from me that day...)

: (I've been fighting for a long time for relief from the pain, the sorrow...)

: But I have no regrets. This is what I've chosen for myself.
That was a hit at a 20% chance. I mean, really.
Turn 4
Right. This turn is the one in which I defeat Ziene! But, of course, there's some other little complication involved.
SECRET ALERT: After fighting Ziene once, triggering her initial pre-battle dialogue, fight her with Setsuko or Rand. Then, have Setsuko or Rand Convince Ziene.

With another casting of Zeal, I can accomplish this in one turn, so let's get to it!

Incidentlaly, this is how you use a consumable part. After using all of Four's SP on two Zeals, I now have refilled her and this LP can be said to be complete.

: Ziene! What game are you trying to play with Asakim and Chimera?

: I guess you know what Asakim's after. Well, I'm like him!

: Actually, maybe I'm more like you.

: What do you mean?

: I don't have to tell you! I don't have anything else left anyway!

: !

: I can feel her emotions through the Sphere...

: Sorrow... enough to destroy everything...

: Stay out of my head! Just choke on your own sorrow!

: (But I have to know... what happened to give Ziene this much sorrow...)
And here's Rand's version of the Dialogue.

: Hey, miss, you can stop pushing yourself now!

: Are you messing with me? I do what I want, when I want!

: Oh, yeah? Cuz, from where Im standing, youre looking mighty uncomfortable!

: !

: Looks like a bulls-eye!

: Shut your trap, The Crusher! Youve no right to pry into my business!

: Ain't no right or left about it! All I know is I owe you a favor for way back when, miss!

: Please, talk to me! What is it thats pushing you to this?!

: You said you were like me. What did you mean by that?!


: The Spheres conveying your sorrow to me
! Just who are you, Ziene?! Tell me!

: Seeing how Asakim revealed his objectives to you, I suppose Ill do the same

: Kei Katsuragi, Olson D. Verne! You two better listen as well!

: Why them

: Keis daughter, right? You have your father, so I dont expect you to understand

: The Space-Time Oscillation Bomb corrupted my fate beyond recognition
you couldnt even begin to grasp the anger and hatred that I feel

: Kei! Could she be

: Yeah
Ziene was the leader of those Earth Alliance soldiers who were here when the bomb went out!

: Thats right, Kei Katsuragi! And because of the Break
you caused all my men vanished from this world!

: The light of the Break took everything from my men and I
and left only hatred for anything like it!

: I didnt think you were also there

: We both lost comrades thanks to that dimensional quake.

: But why did you join the Chimera

: Because it was only a matter of time before this dimensionally unstable world made others go through what I did! Dont you see that?!

: So I became one of the Chimera to help bring stability to it!

: And you dont care what you have to do to make that happen, is that it?!

: Yes
! I will not stand for anyone else to suffer that soul-rending horror!

: Please wait, Ziene! Your subordinates could also be alive inside the Scub!

: Its too late
I turned my back on that possibility and fought just for my own sake

: But, Setsuko, Ill take a gamble on your group IF you can defeat us, the Chimera!

: We are not alike
! I refuse to wallow in grief and lose sight of what I should do!

: Ziene
! I gained strength from my sorrow and its that strength that Ill beat you with!
And again Rand's version

: Speak up, Ziene! Whats spurring you to go so far?!


: You better have a really good reason for helping Asakim and the Chimera or well beat you into next week!

: People might call me The Crusher but I dont deck folks without cause!

: If you wanna butt heads with me, then tell us what youre about!

: Seeing how Asakim revealed his objectives to you, I suppose Ill do the same

: Kei Katsuragi, Olson D. Verne! You two better listen as well!

: Why them

: Keis daughter, right? You have your father, so I dont expect you to understand

: The Space-Time Oscillation Bomb corrupted my fate beyond recognition
you couldnt even begin to grasp the anger and hatred that I feel

: Kei! Could she be

: Yeah
Ziene was the leader of those Earth Alliance soldiers who were here when the bomb went out!

: Thats right, Kei Katsuragi! And because of the Break
you caused all my men vanished from this world!

: The light of the Break took everything from my men and I
and left only hatred for anything like it!

: The Space-Time Oscillation Bomb
you were also there

: But whats that got to do with you joining the Chimera?!

: Because it was only a matter of time before this dimensionally unstable world made others go through what I did! Dont you see that?!

: So I became one of the Chimera to help bring stability to it!

: And you dont care what you have to do to make that happen, is that it?!

: Yes
! I will not stand for anyone else to suffer that soul-rending horror!

: Hold on, miss! Your people could be inside the Coral too!

: Its too late
I turned my back on that possibility and fought just for my own sake

: But, The Crusher, Ill take a gamble on your group IF you can defeat us, the Chimera!

: Darling

: Alright miss, I get what youre thinking. So, I tell you this

: I am THE HEAT, not The Crusher!

: Is this really the time to fuss about stuff like that?

: Since you called me by that name, you better be ready for what comes next!!

: Hmhmhm
good, good, THE HEAT. Thats exactly the way you should be...
So yeah! That's Ziene's deal. Remember that Strike Dagger pilot Back on Stage 9? Listen to her voice. It's Ziene!

: I honestly don't care who rules the world. If you'd leave it at that, I'd let you.

l: But you took advantage of me, and I can't let that stand...
Well, see ya Ziene!

That gives Neo his final level of Prevail.

: I
cannot allow myself to be killed

: Ziene!

: I cannot
not until Ive take revenge on this corrupted fate

: Ziene

: That woman
as despair gripped her heart, shes killed both hope and her own self

: Still, its her fault for giving up in the first place!


: Kei
dont let this get to you.

: Yeah, I know
but, at the end of the day, its still me who flipped the switch on the bomb.

: Damn it, Im gonna end this with my own hands for all the worlds I affected!

: Miss
why cant you try to find just a little bit of joy in life

: I aint giving up
dont matter how much time we got left
! Thats the will to survive, ya know?

: Ziene
I wont end up like you

: Well stand firm to the last second. We
will defend our future.
Then Adette's Overskill starts up.

That's most of the east side cleared now, time to move on to the middle and west side.

Roger continues to impress.

Then Quattro gets the Psycho-Frame started.

Oh wow. Look at that.

On to the Enemy Phase.

And I'm in range of Löwen and Schlan.

: Face me, ZEUTH! I'll keep anyone from interfering with BrigGen. Edel!

: I've devoted my life to her! I would die for her, the goddess of the Earth!

: You're the only ones standing between the world and BrigGen. Edel.

: Heh. What will I even do with myself when you're gone?
Turn 5
This turn is going to be cleaning up the last bit of grunts.

Kill em all Setsuko. 

Plus I start busting out the Valor boosted attacks.

Not much lasts long really.

Then comes the Enemy Phase, not much happens since most of the grunts are dead... but Schlan does get a chance to MAP us.
It's pretty nasty, it inflicts Stun. So Roger's not going to be doing anything next turn. Which will come later in the week.